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A step-change in the inclusivity of UK data: where next?

collage of diverse society
Part of the 'Perspectives and Practices: EDI in Social Research' webinar series. Over the past few years, the Government Statistical Service (GSS) has been undertaking several major programmes of research and development to make inclusivity business-as-usual, as part of the IDTF programme. Join us to hear about some of these projects, how departments have been linking up through the Inclusive Data Sub-Committee (IDSC), and how the National Statistician’s Inclusive Data Advisory Committee (NSIDAC) has provided support to make progress on the IDTF commitments.


In October 2020, the National Statistician convened the Inclusive Data Taskforce (IDTF), a panel of leading equalities experts, to improve inclusivity in UK data and analysis. Their 2021 recommendations prompted a programme of interlinked activities designed to achieve step-change in the inclusivity of data holdings.

Over the past few years, the Government Statistical Service (GSS) has been undertaking several major programmes of research and development to make inclusivity business-as-usual, as part of the IDTF programme. Projects have ranged from making data infrastructure more inclusive from the outset, to thinking about ways to link existing data together to provide more of a holistic picture of people’s lives and experiences.

Join us to hear about some of these projects, how departments have been linking up through the Inclusive Data Sub-Committee (IDSC), and how the National Statistician’s Inclusive Data Advisory Committee (NSIDAC) has provided support to make progress on the IDTF commitments.

This is a free event and will be run on Microsoft Teams

9/25/2024 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
GMT Summer Time

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