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AI-assisted qualitative data analysis

a futuristic abstract wave
This live online course explores the principles, practices and ethics of using AI when analysing qualitative data. (Foundation Level)  * Price:  £165 for SRA members, £220 for non-members.  It runs in one day and uses Zoom software *


Participants do not need licenses for any qualitative analysis software to attend this course. Trial versions will be made available for the purpose of the sessions.


The aim of this interactive workshop is to consider the appropriate and ethical use of generative-AI tools to analyse qualitative data in the form of transcripts from e.g. interviews and focus groups, or other textual materials (e.g. literature, policy reports, etc.).

We begin considering computer-assisted qualitative analysis and the range of ways technology can assist human interpretation in general terms. This includes putting recent developments in generative-AI technologies, prompted by the availability of large language models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, into methodological context, and providing an overview of AI-assisted qualitative analysis tools currently available.

We then experiment with using two of these tools: CoLoop and MAXQDA. First we focus on CoLoop, a new online AI CoPilot which was first released in 2023 in response to generative-AI technologies and aimed at supporting research agencies undertake qualitative analysis. Participants will be taken through the process of setting up analysis projects, creating and working with AI-generated transcripts and summaries, using the copilot to generate and ask questions of the data, using the analysis grid to make comparisons, linking back to the original data to sense-check and develop interpretations, and outputting findings for writing up qualitative accounts.

Then we focus on MAXQDA, one of the pioneer qualitative analysis tools available since 1989 which has recently incorporated Open-AI capabilities into its broader suite of tools. Participants will be taken through the process of setting up a project, creating and working with AI-generated transcripts, summaries and paraphrases, developing codes using the AI Assist tools, integrating AI-generated analysis with other work done in MAXQDA, and outputting findings for writing up qualitative accounts.

The workshop integrates ethical considerations throughout, including data privacy and security issues, reflecting on and mitigating bias, appropriate uses of these technologies, how to document their use transparently, and best practices for integrating artificial intelligence with human interpretation in qualitative studies.


Learning outcomes


By the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Have a critical awareness of the range of AI-assisted qualitative analysis tools
  • Be equipped to consider their ethical incorporation into analysis practice
  • Have practical, hands-on experience with using CoLoop and MAXQDA’s AI-assisted tools




The course will cover:

  • Historical context of AI-assisted qualitative analysis
  • Planning for and setting up AI-assisted qualitative analysis projects
  • The ethics of incorporating AI-assisted tools into qualitative analysis
  • Using AI-assisted tools to transcribe, explore and summarise qualitative data
  • Using AI-assisted tools to generate ideas for qualitative coding
  • Using AI-assisted tools to identify patterns and relationships
  • Reporting on the use of AI-assisted tools in qualitative analysis


Course tutor


Christina Silver, PhD, is a researcher and facilitator of qualitative data analysis methods and digital tools, specializing in all the major programs, including ATLAS.ti, CoLoop, Dedoose, Discovertext, f4analyse, MAXQDA, QDA Miner, Qualrus, NVivo, and Transana.

She is Associate Professor (Teaching) in the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey, where she is also Director of the CAQDAS Networking Project which since 1994 has raised awareness and built capacity in the use of qualitative software amongst the global social research community. She is also Co-Director of the department’s Short Courses in Social Research programme.

Christina also undertakes research, training, and consultancy via QDA Services and is co-author of Using Software in Qualitative Research: A Step-by-Step Guide (SAGE 2014), and Qualitative Analysis Using ATLAS.ti / MAXQDA / NVivo: The Five-Level QDA ®Method (Routledge2018). Christina has trained many thousands of researchers and students in qualitative methods/software since 1998


  This course contributes 6 hours to the MRS CPD programme


Looking to book for four or more people from your organisation? Please let us know before booking by emailing: [email protected]


6/17/2024 9:30 AM - 4:45 PM
GMT Summer Time
Registration not available.

You need to sign in or create a new user account before booking.