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Narratives and storytelling in qualitative research - Online

Narratives and storytelling in qualitative research - Online
This live online course explores narrative analysis and storytelling in qualitative research. * Price:  £165 for SRA members, £220 for non-members.  It runs in one day and uses Zoom software *


 "I thought the course and the teacher were excellent. I learnt a lot that will help me in my work going forward."

"This is a new research method for me, so I found that the course was pitched at the right level. It provided a good introduction to both practical and theoretical knowledge. The reading list was very useful. Karen was approachable and knowledgeable."


Narrative inquiry is a valuable investigative technique in qualitative research. Narrative inquiry and storytelling offer us a different way of knowing, of investigating the lived experiences of individuals, and of exploring subjectivity. Narrative knowledge is created and constructed through the stories of lived experience and sense-making, the meanings people afford to them, and therefore offers valuable insight into the complexity of human lives, cultures, and behaviours. It allows us to capture the rich data within stories, including for example giving insight into feelings, beliefs, images and time. It also takes account of the relationship between individual experience and the wider social and cultural contexts. Crucially, it also involves collaborative inquiry and co-construction of meaning between participants and the researcher. Examples of narrative inquiry in qualitative research include for instance: stories, interviews, life histories, journals, photographs and other artifacts.




By the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Have knowledge of narrative inquiry as a qualitative research technique.
  • Understand the benefits which narrative inquiry and stories offer for understanding people’s lived experience and meanings.
  • Be able to demonstrate knowledge of the theories of narrative analysis.
  • Have an awareness of the different types of narrative analysis that can be employed in practice.
  • Have conducted their own narrative inquiry using a variety of texts and/or images.
  • Understand the additional benefits offered through the use of self-narratives (i.e. auto-ethnography).
  • Be aware of the practical and ethical issues which must be considered when conducting narrative inquiry.


Learning outcomes


  • Understand the various ways in which narrative analysis is employed in qualitative research.
  • Understand the theories underpinning narrative analysis.
  • Gain knowledge of the various forms of narrative analysis which can be employed in qualitative research.
  • Be able to undertake a narrative analysis as evidenced in practical activities.
  • Understand the role that collaboration plays between researcher and participant in narrative inquiry.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the ethical and practical issues which must be considered when conducting narrative analysis.




During the course we will cover:

  • What is narrative inquiry?
  • Why use stories in research?
  • Theories of narrative analysis.
  • Different forms of narrative analysis.
  • The importance of collaboration between researcher and participant.
  • How to conduct narrative inquiry including various examples such as: stories, interviews, life histories, journals, photography, and artifacts.
  • Self-narratives i.e. autoethnography.
  • Ethical and practical issues to consider.


Who will benefit


This course will benefit participants who wish to advance their knowledge of qualitative research methods by exploring the benefits that narratives and stories offer as a method of inquiry in a range of applied and policy settings and contexts. This one-day course is designed to help participants become aware of narrative analysis and storytelling in qualitative research, and to practice some of the techniques involved. As well as providing a grounding in the principles and theories of narrative analysis, participants will gain hands-on experience of using the techniques of narrative inquiry and of conducting narrative analysis. Some prior knowledge of qualitative research methods is advisable.


Course tutor


Dr Karen Lumsden is currently Assistant Professor in Criminology at the University of Nottingham and has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Aberdeen. She has over 15 years experience teaching qualitative research methods at postgraduate level and to academics and practitioners. This includes courses at the University of Aberdeen, University of Glasgow, University of Essex and Kingston University, and for the Social Research Association. Karen has also designed and delivered social research methods training for police officers and staff via the East Midlands Policing Academic Collaboration (EMPAC) and for research consultancies. She has authored a number of academic books and journal articles in the areas of sociology and criminology, and on qualitative research methods. Karen is also Chair of the Editorial Board of Sociological Research Online.


 This course contributes 6 hours to the MRS CPD programme


11/17/2020 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
GMT Standard Time
This event is full.

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